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Protect Your Loved Ones

At SLJ Solicitors we understand that speaking to a solicitor can be a daunting experience especially for elder people.  The thought of speaking to a stranger can often cause distress and anxiety.  That is why we have experience in dealing with elder clients including those in care homes and those with mental health conditions.


We understand the importance to speaking clearly and calmly and in a way that we know the elder client will understand.  We work with health care professionals, care homes and hospitals to ensure the clients needs are well established and met.


Sanaz Mohieddin TEP is a Solicitor for the Elderly and is highly trained and experienced in dealing with elderly people and their families. 


For more information about what it means to be a Solicitor for the Elderly, please click here: 

Solicitors For The Elderly | SFE





If you need any help with an elderly loved one, whether it be advice regarding their care, finances or just need some guidance, please get in touch to arrange a free initial consultation.

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